Workshop: Building self-esteem – how to work in spite of anxiety and uncertainty?

Building self-esteem - how to act despite anxiety and uncertainty?

During this training, you will learn to recognize your strengths, learn what talents are and understand how to better develop your potential.

The hybrid workshop tooke place on Wednesday 25.05.2022, from 15.00 to 17.00. The training was conducted in English.



The workshop was led by Patrycja Chomiczewska – a trainer translating sport into business competencies. She deals with the issues of stress, mental resilience, and mental strength.

Detailed workshop program

During the workshop you will:

  • Learn how to develop mental resilience and courage despite fear and uncertainty.
  • Learn the mechanisms that control our body.
  • Learn how to manage your emotions and tension in the body through the breath.
  • See and feel in your body how working with your hips and spine will transform your posture into confident one.
  • Do exercises that guide you through calmness to energy, through discovering awareness to confidence in the body.

Workshop materials to download

  • Download Workbook, which will help you return to the topics covered during the workshop.

To enjoy the content covered in the workshop in a complete way, we recommend going back to the podcasts recorded by Patrycja:

Click here to watch a video-podcast with English subtitles:

Click here to watch a video-podcast with English subtitles:

Click here to watch a video-podcast with English subtitles: