Workshop for leaders: Early warnings

Workshop for leaders: Early warnings: What signals should the Leader pay attention to in order to properly take care of psychological comfort?

During the training, participants learned about the symptoms of job burnout and how to respond to the crisis.

The workshop in hybrid form took place on Friday, May 13, 2022, from 13.00 to 16.00. The training was conducted in English.



The workshop was led for you by Marzena Jankowska, a business coach who researches and promotes the concept of Mental Toughness.

Workshop programme

During the workshop we answered the following questions:

  • How to be an ambassador of Employees’ well-being while not burning yourself out as a Leader?
  • The great return to offices, or the great retreat – how to build a team from scratch

Workshop materials to download

  • What symptoms of mental health problems can you see in the listed spheres?

  • Can helping be harmful? How to help properly and effectively?

Check out the podcast

An interesting addition to the content covered in the workshop is an episode of the podcast where you will learn how to recognize the early signs of mental health problems in yourself and your employees. We encourage you to listen to the episode.

Play on YouTube with English subtitles:



Share your opinion

We would like to know your opinion on the quality of the training and the issues covered, as well as your overall level of satisfaction. Your feedback will allow us to better plan future trainings. The questionnaire is completely anonymous, consists of 4 questions and should take no longer than 5 minutes to complete. Thank you for each completed survey 🙂

Click here to fill out the evaluation questionnaire